Christ Life Church Government
In CLC we believe that the Church should be lead with the fear of God, integrity, holiness. We therefore strive to provide accountability, at all levels of our church and thereby strive to serve with purity of hearts.
Our Church has a USA board that is responsible for praying, encouraging, providing counsel, and holds the church accountable and its leaders accountable.
CLC also has a Zambian Board that provides, counsel, prayer and holds the pastor and the church leadership accountable.
Church elders. The Church pastor appoints church elders who are recommended by current church leaders. A church elder first serves as an acting elder for 1 year and then confirmed to serve for three years before reappointments. Each elder takes a mandatory sabbatical year every four years before reappointment.
Deacons: Deacons serve as overseers of ministries and as co-labors of ministry leaders. These leadership positions are yearly evaluated for accountability, fruitfulness and leadership chemistry and gifting.
Ministry Leaders: Each ministry has a ministry leader who strives to inspire spiritual growth, transformation as well as numerical growth of his or her ministry.
Servers/Volunteers: The church encourages people to serve in different church ministries on a voluntary basis. These volunteers serve under given ministry leaders and deacons.
Joining the Church
Joining Christ life church is not joining a group, but it is being a part of a family. It is about joining a family of people who are sanctified in Christ Jesus and have pledged to know, worship and serve God together as a family. This requires signing a covenant form that affirms one’s commitment to God and His family.