Real Christianity is about relationship with God that is lived out daily as we serve others. It is not about religious practices.
Once your receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior there are some important foundational things that you should do to ensure that you grow in Christ and live the life that God intends for you to live.
Personal Bible Study
The Bible is God revelation to mankind. It is inspired by God, authoritative, God’s manual for people and the book of life. Reading the Bible daily enables you to know who God is, what He has done for you, what your purpose in life is, and God’s will for each step of your life. A commitment to reading and obeying what God says in it promises godly success.
Personal Prayer
Prayer is having fellowship with God. It involves worshiping God for who He is as the creator of the Universe, asking Him to help one understand and obey Scripture, interceding, giving requests and listening to God. Spiritual growth can not happened without developing a personal time of prayer.
Fellowship in a Local Church
Fellowship with other believers in a local church is cardinal for one’s spiritual growth. True Christianity cannot happen in a vacuum, it can only happened where a believer commits to join a local church where he or she commits to serve, submit and love other believers through participation in weekly church fellowship. This should be followed by joining groups in church that relate with your needs, gender and age, i.e. men’s ministry, women’s ministry, youth etc.
Christians are called to serve. Serving is an act that shows maturity and leads to growth in Christ. As a Church we believe that God has called us to serve in the following ways,
- Evangelism: Preaching the gospel to our friends, community and the entire world.
- Hospitality: Unselfishly loving others just as we love ourselves, and using our resources to positively change others.
- Calling: In our jobs and vocations we should serve as God’s ambassadors of faithfulness, truth, integrity and hard work so that others can see God’s glory through us.
- Justice: Promoting justice in our families, communities, cities, nation and the world. This involves breaking cycles of injustices that include corruption, nepotism, tribalism etc.
- Empowerment: Striving to empower others to have sufficient source of income.